This Blog is for anyone that wants to be successful in life. I write about business, family, career, investing and anything else that has helped me and can help you become successful. (Brought to you by Marvin (eMarv) Corea, Founder of the Succeed Network!)

Friday, July 29, 2005

What if I can't find anything that I want to do?

There may be times when you are not going to be able to do what you really want to do. However, there is always a solution to that problem: start your own business. That's what I did...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Looking for a "job?"

I thought I'd start writing a little about how to find a "job." First of all, if you are looking for a "job", you are already starting on the wrong foot. Why are you looking for a job in the first place? Just graduated from high school or college you say... Just got out of the military? Looking to make more money? Well before you even start typing up your resume, ask yourself this: What is my purpose? What do I want to do with my life? You find this silly? You shouldn't. These are legitimate questions you should ask yourself. Take time to ponder. Talk it over with your partner if you like, but answer! Once you honestly answer these questions, you can start considering what you want to do everyday and where you want to go. You need to find the intersection of your three circles of the hedgehog concept. more to follow...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Another good book!

I found a good sales book over the weekend. Its called Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Selling. So far it has been a very good read. He definitely gives you reality checks throughout the book. The basic thing is that if you are not successful in sales, then it is YOUR OWN FAULT. The good thing is that he doesn't blame you for your lack of success, but also provides ideas and experiences that you can immediately use. I am working on a new business outsourcing solution where I will be applying some of the concepts described in the book. I'll be talking more about the business later...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A little about what I do and some questions for you

For those that have not read my profile, I currently have two active and running companies, Esenai Corporation and Corea Properties, LLC. Guess which one is the real estate company... :) I'm currently actively working growing Esenai Corporation. I'm following the Good to Great model and trying to find the right people. My problem or dilemma is that I have found some people that I believe could be great, but I can't hire them. Why? you ask...well the problem is that the customers Esenai currently supports have certain security clearance requirements that must be met. So this is definitely a limiting factor. That is why I ask people that are interested in working with Esenai, what it is they would like to do if they couldn't for some reason work in my environment. It gives me insight into what people want to do. A couple of things that I'll start asking people that visit The Succeed Network! are: -if you could start a business, what kind of business would it be? -do you have an idea that you would like to turn into a business? Readers, you need not send me the answers to these questions. You can just answer them for yourself. However, if you want a second opinion, feel free to email the answers to me. I'd be interested in providing feedback. Have a good weekend!

Friday, July 22, 2005

What should I start with first?

Well, it's 1:46 am EST and I really should be asleep since I need to work tomorrow and I have the alarm set to 4am... Esenai - My technology consulting company - I need more people... I really need to find the right people. (Just so you know I subscribe to Good to Great and Built to Last by Jim Collins.) I have actually found some people that I think are the right people, but I also need to find projects for them since I do not want to hire them and then have to let them go if I don't have any work for them immediately... I will continue tomorrow or another day since my laptop battery only has 9 minutes left. BTW, I'm thinking about buying BUD stock, anyone have any comments...

Who woulda thunk?!

I had thought about starting a blog before, but now I've started it! Great! I really like the title...