This Blog is for anyone that wants to be successful in life. I write about business, family, career, investing and anything else that has helped me and can help you become successful. (Brought to you by Marvin (eMarv) Corea, Founder of the Succeed Network!)

Friday, July 22, 2005

What should I start with first?

Well, it's 1:46 am EST and I really should be asleep since I need to work tomorrow and I have the alarm set to 4am... Esenai - My technology consulting company - I need more people... I really need to find the right people. (Just so you know I subscribe to Good to Great and Built to Last by Jim Collins.) I have actually found some people that I think are the right people, but I also need to find projects for them since I do not want to hire them and then have to let them go if I don't have any work for them immediately... I will continue tomorrow or another day since my laptop battery only has 9 minutes left. BTW, I'm thinking about buying BUD stock, anyone have any comments...


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