This Blog is for anyone that wants to be successful in life. I write about business, family, career, investing and anything else that has helped me and can help you become successful. (Brought to you by Marvin (eMarv) Corea, Founder of the Succeed Network!)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Tips in Traffic (Be Confident) - Feb, 16, 2006

Luckily (for me at least), my wife got over the fact that I didn't give her a V-day gift. She got her revenge during our Aikido class last night though... Ouch! (Anyone have any ben-gay? :)

Now onto the tip... Be Confident! Confidence goes a long way especially when interviewing. Confidence, enthusiasm & sincerity can make a world of difference (at least if you are speaking in public or want to work with good companies, (shameless plug) like my own).

Normally, when we (at Esenai) interview folks, we do a phone interview first. One of the reasons why is to get a feel or first impression for candidates. This is a great opportunity for candidates to shine. People can show a little personality and actually demonstrate their confidence. We are able to get an idea of a candidate's confidence level by listening to how the candidate talks (tone) in addition to what the candidate says.

So be confident! And if you are interviewing, make sure you have a cheering squad that will get your confidence up before the big show! It can make the difference in getting the job or not. Don't have a cheering squad, you say, then read something inspirational or motivational like (another shameless plug) The Succeed Network! blog.

I know you can do it, you must know that you can do it and you will do it!

Succeed NOW!

Marvin Corea


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