Tips in Traffic (Be Efficient) - Feb 27, 2006
One of the books that I recently finished reading that directly addresses efficiency is Time Traps where the author provides tips & strategies on how to manage tasks (not time) more efficiently. (The book is geared specifically for salespeople, but I think a lot of the tips apply to everyone.)
One of the more memorable things that was noted is that people waste time doing unnecessary tasks. (I must admit that I am guilty of this but I'm working on it. :) One example presented in the book is faxing. How many times have you stood in front of a fax machine trying & retrying to send something. These types of tasks should be delegated to others as much as possible. If you don't have anyone working for you, then at least make sure you have something important to do while you are waiting for the fax to go through.
So take a look at your daily activities and see where you can squeeze more out what you are doing. I'm sure you already know of some things you do that waste time (e.g. check email & voice mail every 5 minutes, chat with a buddy when you have something, etc.). So limit or stop doing those activities! You'll be happy you did!
Happy Monday & succeed NOW!
Marvin Corea