Never be satisfied unless you want to be...
Once you feel you've reached the top and you feel satisfied, be prepared to come back down. Once you have reached the pinnacle of your (or your business') success, you are going back down. So what's my point? My point is that you should never reach your pinnacle. Once you see that your goal is in sight, you need to start looking at what to do next. Once you become satisfied or complacent where you are, you'll fall asleep and get passed up by the "tortoise" (those that are determined to succeed and do not accept being left behind). Why do you think there have been large companies that have disappeared after exising for decades? They grew complacent. Why do you think that some giants (like Wal-Mart, Citigroup, etc.) have continued to excel? They have been able to adjust to the times. There of course is more to it when dealing with companies because you have to look at the companies core ideology and philosophy, if there is any. (More on this idea - "preserve the core and stimulate progress" later.) But for individuals it is much easier because you control you. (I know some of you may debate this idea, but personally I believe it.) You can decide that your job is satifying, but not challenging and decide that you need more. I know what prevents you from doing it though. You are getting a decent paycheck and there is pretty good job security (at least that's what you think). But what is that decent paycheck and "security" really costing you? It could be costing you the opportunity of a lifetime because you are bound to your desk and not out doing what you really enjoy doing or not out networking, etc. What was say that you enjoy your job...well are you getting paid what you're worth? Why do you enjoy your job? Is it because it is easy? Don't be complacent. Don't take the easy way out. Is the job challenging and you love the challenge? If this is the case, ask yourself whether you are being paid for what you actually do. If you do things that are above and beyond what you should do you receive appropriate compensation and recognition for your effort? There is nothing wrong with asking for more of anything as long as you honestly believe you deserve. And if the company doesn't see the value you bring to the company you work for, start your own company. (I know this is easier said than done, but it is very fulfilling and you can take advantage of excellent tax benefits.) Whether you believe you can or cannot do whatever I've mentioned, you are right in either case. So it is really better IMO if you believe you can. Why not try? Don't be complacent and do something to continue your progress!