This Blog is for anyone that wants to be successful in life. I write about business, family, career, investing and anything else that has helped me and can help you become successful. (Brought to you by Marvin (eMarv) Corea, Founder of the Succeed Network!)

Friday, January 27, 2006

To network or not to network, that shouldn't even be the question

Let me define networking by mentioning what it is not: -It is not a one way street, e.g. you should not be asking others what they can do for you, you should be asking what you can do for them. (sound familiar...) -It is not about simply passing your business card to every living being in a social gathering. (That is the networking equivalent of spamming. People will think "who the heck is this person" & look for the nearest trash can. I've actually done that & it doesn't work! :) What you should do is get to know people a little and ask them what their interests are, what they are looking for and how you could be of assistance. Some of you may think that you have nothing to offer someone else (though this is not valid excuse since you can find practically anything you could ever want on the Internet), but if you at least know what the person is looking for, you can get back to him/her if you come across something that could be useful to the person. You can't really go too wrong on this because (especially if the person is a subordinate or peer) s/he knows that you are at least thinking about him/her. (Now you shouldn't send irrelevant & useless information too often since you will appear to be clueless. :) -It is not about being impatient & expecting the next $100 million contract from the first person you meet. You need to build trust in order for your network to be effective & building trust takes time. -It is not about waiting till you need something from someone to start talking to the person. By that time it is unlikely that that person will be willing to give you what you need. However, if you have already been speaking with the person and, even better, have already helped them out, they are much more likely to help you out. It's human nature. Of course you will come across bad apples that only take and never give, but the benefits of helping others far outway the drawbacks of dealing with selfish people on occasion. -It is not about taking as much as possible without giving anything back. You will quickly establish the reputation of being a selfish person. -It is not about making false promises about what you will do and then never follow through. You will again obtain a bad reputation as someone who makes false promises or essentially is a liar. If you can't help someone, let the person know & if possible refer the person to someone that may be able to help. You are then at least seen as someone who is honest and respectful of others' time. -It is not about waiting for people to come to you. It is about you finding others who you can help and who maybe in the future can help you.

In essence, networking is about giving without conditions or guarantees. (There is a little more to it than that but you will learn more as you go.)

Happy networking & let me know how I can help you? :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Are you an Entrepreneur raising capital for your Start-up?


Then the Chicago Entrepreneurial Center (CEC) Venture Forum would like to hear from you!

The CEC Venture Forum is looking for companies who are raising Venture Capital and are interested in presenting at our next Venture Forum in February (date is yet TBD). After the forum, the CEC will follow-up with investors to determine their interest in the companies, to coordinate follow-up meetings, and to provide guidance through the financing process.

Through the Venture Forum and other sources of financial assistance, CEC clients have raised over $15 million in financing over the last 18 months.

If you are or know of a business in the Chicago-land area that is interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Melissa Talarico, Program Director for the CEC at:

Melissa Talarico

Phone: (312) 494-6728

Fax: (312) 494-0196

Email :

Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center

330 N. Wabash. Suite 2800

Chicago, IL 60611


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Recommended books for 2006

The Wisdom of Crowds - a group of independent thinkers is better than the thinkers by themselves The Tipping Point - small things can make big differences & viral marketing Blink - trust your gut (when you know what you're doing) Freakonomics - how things are related that you wouldn't normally think are related (e.g. abortion & crime) Winning - the best chapter is the one on the dirtiest little secret in business: candidness Time Traps - create a team, stop doing unnecessary tasks (i.e. delegate) & start doing more productive tasks The Art of the Start - guide for starting (almost) any organization Rules for Revolutionaries - be different & innovative Never Eat Alone - it's all about relationships & helping others Good to Great - Built to Last - Rich Dad, Poor Dad - The Anatomy of Buzz : How to Create Word of Mouth Marketing The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century BEN JERRYS DOUBLE DIP: HOW TO RUN A VALUES LED BUSINESS AND MAKE MONEY TOO Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty : The Only Networking Book You'll Ever Need Joy At Work: A Revolutionary Approach To Fun On The Job Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor Sam Walton : Made In America Losing My Virginity : How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way - Richard Branson's and The Virgin Companies' story